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The Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities (MANSEF) represents more than 70 nonpublic schools throughout Maryland that serve students with a range of disabilities.
Our schools serve young people with physical, emotional and developmental needs that cannot be adequately met in public schools. MANSEF schools are an integral part of Maryland’s highly ranked educational system, providing high-quality educational opportunities and support services to Maryland children and youth with disabilities.

Find A School
“Find a School” displays information about schools by county. The MANSEF Membership Directory has detailed information about each member.

About Mansef
MANSEF is a nonprofit organization of special education schools which are approved by the Maryland State Department of Education.

Stepping Stones Newsletter
Stepping Stones is printed twice a year and is chock full of school news, student success stories and the latest news from MANSEF.
"I am so thankful to MANSEF for ensuring there are schools that follow the federal law that mandates the full continuum of services. We are thrilled our daughter is finally making meaningful progress in a school that is appropriate for her."
LISA HALPINParent of a MANSEF student
“As a Special Educator with over 20 years of experience, MANSEF is without a doubt the greatest resource we have to maintain the continuum of special education services in our state. MANSEF is invaluable in providing our schools with the expertise, guidance, advocacy, and sense of community that allows our non-public schools to provide excellence in specialized education."
ERIN UPTONPrincipal, St. Elizabeth School
"Washington County Public Schools values our relationships with our non-public partners. Our collective efforts, along with families and communities, are meeting the unique needs of our students, building upon their individual strengths, and preparing them for a successful future."
CONNIE HARTMANSupervisor of Special Education for District Programs, Washington County Public Schools