Listing Type : MANSEF Schools
County : Prince George's County
Phone : 301-636-6614
Fax : 301-636-6619
Referral Contact : Kristy Probst
Disabilities Served : 01 - Intellectual Disability, 06 - Emotional Disability, 08 - Other Health Impairments, 10 - Multiple Disabilities, 13 - Traumatic Brain Injury, 14 - Autism, 15 - Developmental Delay
Length of School/Program Year : , 12 month, 4 Week Summer School, , 12 month, 4 Week Summer School, , 12 month, 4 Week Summer School, , 12 month, 4 Week Summer School, 10 month, Extended School Year, 5 Week Summer School, 10 month, Extended School Year, 5 Week Summer School, 10 month, Extended School Year, 4 Week Summer School, 5 Week Summer School, 10 month, 12 month, Extended School Year, 4 Week Summer School, 5 Week Summer School, 10 month, 12 month, Extended School Year, 4 Week Summer School, 5 Week Summer School, 10 month, Extended School Year, 10 month, 12 month, Extended School Year, 5 Week Summer School
MSDE Approval Category : Type I Special Education
Capacity of Facility : 90
Ages Served : 6 - 14
Grade Range : 1 through 8
Private Pay Students Accepted : No
Setting : Day
Before and/or After School Program : No
Nurse on-site (full or part time) : Yes
Wheelchair Accessible : Yes
Hours of Operation for School Day : 8:00 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.
Program Description : The High Road Lower School of Prince George's County is approved by the Maryland State Department of Education as a nonpublic day school. The school serves the instructional and behavioral needs of students with emotional disabilities, autism and other academic and behavioral differences in a supportive and structured environment. Special education teachers, social workers,and related service providers are employed to support our students in achieving their goals. The High Road Schools mission is to build the confidence and competence of our students through individualized academic and behavioral interventions in a small small classroom setting. Our student-centered approach reinforces acquired skills while challenging our students to reach their full potential. Our caring staff implement a variety of academic strategies to support positive student outcomes and our school-wide PBIS system and token economy support our students with developing the skills needed to be successful in the school environment and beyond.
Related Services : Individual and group counseling, case management, transitional services, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, educational assessment, psychological assessment, psychiatric consultation and behavior management.