Listing Type :
MANSEF Schools
Location :
Maryland / Baltimore County
County : Baltimore County
Phone : 443-330-7900
Fax : 410-472-2363
Website : Visit School Website >>
Referral Contact : Robert Jackelen - Education Director, robert.jackelen@trellisservices.com, 443-330-7900 x3114; Stephanie Moore - Executive Director, smoore@trellisservices.com, 443-330-7900 x3115
Disabilities Served : 01 - Intellectual Disability, 04 - Speech or Language Impairment, 08 - Other Health Impairments, 14 - Autism
Length of School/Program Year : 12 month
MSDE Approval Category : Type I Special Education
Capacity of Facility : 64
Ages Served : 5 - 21
Grade Range : Kindergarten through Grade 12
Private Pay Students Accepted : Yes
Setting : Day
Before and/or After School Program : No
Nurse on-site (full or part time) : Yes
Wheelchair Accessible : Yes
Hours of Operation for School Day : 8:10 - 2:35 pm (M, T, Th, F) 8:10-12:35 (W)
Program Description : The purpose of The Trellis School is to systematically address skills using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to cultivate success in school and prepare students for meaningful and independent living in adulthood. Data is tracked across all learning domains and is utilized to develop individualized programming for each student. The purpose of the school’s educational program in the elementary grades is to nurture strong foundational communication, learner readiness, academic, social, and play skills. Students are engaged in child-led, instructor directed learning activities in natural play environments as well as in structured, seated work sessions and groups, as appropriate to their age and ability levels. Primary students (Grades K-2) increase their participation in group instruction to also include social studies and science and begin participating in independent work sessions. Intermediate students (Grades 3-5) spend longer durations in group instruction, 1:1 intensive teaching sessions at a table, and independent work sessions. Intermediate students also contribute to their school community by completing classroom jobs. Community exploration is supported in elementary students through school activities and field trips. Middle School The purpose of the school’s educational program in the middle school (Grades 6-8) is to further develop academic, communication, and social skills. Students participate in group instruction that addresses language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and physical education. Daily living skills and prevocational skills are embedded within the school day programming. Students interests are incorporated into instructional experiences and leisure development opportunities. During community based instruction (CBI), middle school students work on social skills, independent navigation, and generalization of communication skills in the community. An increase in independence is emphasized as students take more responsibility for their daily needs (i.e. lunch preparation, independent navigation of the school building, hygiene routines, self-advocacy) and for the needs of their school community (i.e. school wide jobs). High School Initiated in the 2018-2019 school year, Grades 9 and 10 are enrolled in the school’s high school program. Each year, the program will grow to include an additional grade until the program services students through grade 12 and the age of 21. The purpose of the school’s educational program in the high school is to develop real life application skills through academic, pre-vocational and independent living skill experiences. Students participate in 1:1 and small group instruction that addresses reading, writing, and mathematics skills that prepare them for independent living. Communication and social skills are embedded within programming, as both of these areas are imperative for gaining independence and access to vocational opportunities. Student’s interests and abilities are incorporated into individualized pre-vocational and vocational activities that occur throughout the school building and in community settings. General School Information The Trellis School is operated by Learn It Systems/Trellis Services LLC. The physical facilities include two instructional buildings, which both include classrooms, library/ media lab, cafeteria, large natural environment instructional spaces, sensory room, gymnasium, therapy treatment rooms, and gross motor spaces. The elementary building also has a fenced outdoor activity area. The middle and high school building also has an instructional kitchen and multiple vocational spaces. ABA Services, outpatient Speech and Occupational Therapy sessions. The Trellis School serves male and female students from age 5 through 21 in multigrade classrooms. Educational disabilities served include 01- intellectual disability, 04-speech and language impairment, 08- other health impairment, and 14-autism. Enrollment capacity is 64 students. Students enrolled in elementary or middle school will be working toward a Maryland High School Diploma or a Maryland Certificate of Program Completion. Students begin participating in statewide testing in 3rd grade. Students in the high school program will be working towards a Maryland Certificate of Program Completion. Students who have been determined eligible to participate in alternative state testing through the IEP team process participate in alternative statewide testing. Class sizes are small at The Trellis School with the maximum of a 1:9 teacher:student ratio. Most students in the elementary grades are supported by trained 1:1 instructors who are supervised by special educators. Although students may be provided with 1:1 support throughout their enrollment at The Trellis School, as determined by their Individualized Education Plan (IEP), the goal is to systematically address skills needed for independence to reduce adult support. Some students may be supported by instructors on a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio. Educational staff include: the President/CEO, Executive Director, Education Director, Assistant Education Director, Special Educators, Adapted Physical Education Teacher, Admissions/Compliance/Transition (ACT) Specialist, Director of Behavioral Programming, Professional Development Coordinator, Program Support Specialists, Program Support Assistants, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Lead Instructors, Instructors, and School Nurse. An administrative assistant and office manager also support the program. Related Services staff include: Director of Clinical Services, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Occupational Therapists. For students whose IEPs require music and/or physical therapy, these services are provided by contractual providers. Academic curricula follows Baltimore County Public Schools and the Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards. Additionally, staff utilize a variety of evidence based math and reading intervention programs. The instructional model also incorporates teaching methodology based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis with a focus on B.F. Skinner’s Analysis of Verbal Behavior (VB). The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), Essential For Living, and/or the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R) are used as assessments and skills tracking guides.
Related Services : Speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy (contracted), and music therapy (contracted).